Rate Information
Ever wonder how the snowbird’s take care of their Florida homes when they’re away during the summer?
They hire some one!
Well, it is no longer just for the privileged few. Call 561-376-4329 or E-mail Michael at Beach House Management, for more information on just how affordable it is to have someone inspect your property weekly. To make sure that a small problem doesn’t become a disaster while you’re away.
Condominium – $110.00 per month
Some condo complexes have maintenance persons that will check your home once a month, but most leave the responsibility of the empty apartment to the homeowner. Beach House Management takes away the worry of your vacant winter home. We will visit your home weekly making sure that your home is safe and worry free.
Town Homes – From $150.00 per month
Whether it is a 2 or 3 story townhouse, your home still requires special care while you are away. Unlike some condominiums, there is no one responsible for your winter residence other than you. There may be an association to care for the landscaping, and possibly pool, unless you have a private one, but no one cares for the most important part of your investment, the inside of your home! Beach House Management will manage your property while you are away. From the A/C to scheduling workers, we are there for you when you are not in residence.
Single Family Homes – starting at $225.00 per month
Everyone’s home is their castle, whether it is a 2 bedroom bungalow or 12 bedroom beachfront estate. Our team at Beach House Management will respect and care for your home as if it were our own. So many aspects of your home need looking after from the landscaping to the possible leaks under a sink.  In less than two weeks a non functioning air conditioner can create a very serious mold situation that will take weeks, and considerable dollars to remediate. Our team will not only manage your house, we also manage the landscapers to the pool service technician, to ensure your home looks as if you were there.  It’s comforting to know that responsible, caring professionals  like Michael Keegan and his team at Beach House Management are looking after your own interest and investments.
Commercial Properties – prices upon request
Whether you own a 10 unit apartment building, or a commercial / professional office site, you won’t have to deal with the day to day upkeep and problems that arise, Beach House Management will. Whether it’s a tenant who is locked out for the 5th time that month or that the trash hasn’t been collected in two weeks, you will no longer have to take precious time out of your schedule to deal with the day to day  problems.
455 NE 5th Ave, Suite D-307 · Delray Beach · Florida · 33483 · USA
PHONE: 561-376-4329 · EMAIL US